Setting Goals

Work on you, for you.

Whether you meditate in the morning, work out in the gym, or practice your skincare routine at night, all forms of self-care make a difference. This is YOUR journey, use alone time to your advantage to work on yourself.

Slow down.

Get real with yourself. What are you looking to change? What can you add to your life to spark more joy?

Plan it out.

Block off time in your day when you can prioritize your self-care. Soon, it will naturally start becoming your (daily, weekly, and monthly) routine. I created my routine so I can work on both my body and mind every day. Choose something that will work for you.

Protect your peace.

It’s okay to say “No”. It is easier to remove yourself from situations where temptations are prevalent than to be surrounded by them. If my goal was to go to a Saturday spin class at 8am, I would choose to stay in the night before, so I was not tempted on canceling or skipping my morning class.

Celebrate the little wins.

If you’re anything like me, checking something off your list feels amazing!! As long as you keep working towards your self-care goals, every win counts.


Food is Fuel