Food is Fuel

Nourish to flourish.

Be mindful of the food you are consuming. Make it a habit to honor your body with healthy, whole-food options to keep your body moving.

Diets don’t last.

Stop looking to diets to fix your problems. Sure you might be losing weight while you're on the diet, but when you stop, the weight starts to return. Instead of a diet, make it a lifestyle change so you can make it last.

Set your goals.

It’s okay to start small. Make changes that you are able to keep up with. When I made the decision to change my lifestyle, I started with three goals. Once my goals started turning into my daily routine, I began adding to my list.

Work in Moderation.

I found that when I tried to cut out sweets completely, it just didn’t work. As my cravings for sweets grew stronger, I had little to no self-control. For me, moderation was key. Instead of removing sweets altogether, I chose to allow them every once in a while.

Make it sustainable.

Be mindful when you are grocery shopping. Set yourself up for success with fresh and healthy food, so you can prepare your meals at home. Doing this allows you to stay more consistent with your routine.


My Yoga Journey


Setting Goals